Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hawaiian Menehune Babies

Sabine Hendreschke and Dane Galiza are the creators and artists of Magical Hawaiian Menehune Babies. They are a couple and live together in the Menehune’s habitat in the beautiful, secluded mountains of Kau on the Big Island of Hawaii. You are welcome to visit them at their home in Wood Valley.

Sabine creates and sews the Menehunes, their clothes and bedding. She decorates the coconut cradles matching each babies’ unique personality. She also writes each babies inspirational story using many Hawaiian words as well as following concepts of Hawaiian spirituality and culture. She commits a lot of creativity, detailing, inspiration, and love to each individual doll. Sometimes it takes a long time to finish a Menehune and his or her cradle because she doesn’t stop working on the baby until it has a spirit and a soul. Sabine puts a great deal of her Mana (spiritual energy) into each individual Menehune until it becomes a part of her and she falls in love with him or her. As a result she gets very attached to each doll and it is always difficult for her to let go of him or her. She says:” I put so much time and energy into each doll. It makes the Menehunes priceless. My main objective with Magical Hawaiian Menehunes is to bring joy and inspiration to people .”

Call Sabine Hendreschke for directions at Tel.: (808)928-6491

Romantic Honeymoon Cottage on the Big Island of Hawaii Escape to

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